fatal: Could not parse object '2695c901f186daa472d3ef7601bc5f9c3e63dab3'. From https://github.com/NASA-Tensegrity-Robotics-Toolkit/NTRTsim * branch master -> FETCH_HEAD HEAD is now at 2695c90 Added functionality to the YAML Builder and tgBasicActuator. The YAML builder (TensegrityModel) now has a better debugging message when it can't find a file. It has an additional constructor that takes a 'debugging' true/false argument, outputting more details about the model built from the YAML file. Finally, tgBasicActuator now has an option to prevent the moving of its anchors around - see the information in tgBasicActuator.h, or the example in src/dev/ultra-spine/HorizontalSpine/TwoSegSpine.yaml. This is a merge branch from branch 'yamlcontroller'. 2695c901f186daa472d3ef7601bc5f9c3e63dab3