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Drew Sabelhaus
Updated the data logger tutorial to include a sampling time.
Brian Mirletz
Merge pull request #208 from NASA-Tensegrity-Robotics-Toolkit/fixLibsForSpineTest
Fix libs for spine test and contact cable test
Merged Furlong's C++11 fix as well as fixed dependency download locations
Update README.md
apparently markdown isn't supported in Github README.md files.
Update README.md
Added a strikethrough for the old post about G++ > 7 build failures
Update README.md
Updated the documentation link and removed build status from README.md
Fixed typo in README.md
Michael Furlong
Modified readme to fix new g++ errors
Andrew Sabelhaus
Known errors with Ubuntu 18.04, Debian stretch, and g++ 7. Instructions for quick fix.
Andrew Sabelhaus
Added some documentation for using tgSpheres within the YAML builder.
Drew Sabelhaus
Did a bit more work on the scaling analysis white paper for NTRTsim. Drew still thinks our scaling is wrong...
Perry Bhandal
Added install note about doing a clean install after adding a missing dependency.
bm - fix spine test by removing old, unused .so file
Drew Sabelhaus
Added orientation tracking to tgCompoundRigidSensor. It now outputs the net roll, pitch, and yaw for each compound rigid body, assuming that the initial orientation of the rigid body at the start of the simulation is at (0, 0, 0) in angles.
bm - reduce the momentum in the example so the test passes. The boxes no longer collide
Updated README.md to reference new legacy branch for g++ 4.8
Drew Sabelhaus
Added some explanation of cable colors under src/core for Doxygen.
Fixed typo in README.md
Drew Sabelhaus
Fixed a minor bug in the tutorial for data management and logging. Thanks to Mallory Daly for the find.
Drew Sabelhaus
Updated sensors and data logging tutorial to include the new tgCompoundRigidSensor information.
Drew Sabelhaus
Merge branch 'SensorsRedesign'
Andrew Sabelhaus
Added tgSphere functionality to the YAML builder. To use: create a node with the tag of a builder. See example in src/dev/apsabelhaus/YAMLtests/stick_with_ball.
Fixed typo in README.md
Michael Furlong
Fixed C++11 compile problems
Updated INSTALL with new Ubuntu dep